“The BIG Idea”

By holistichealthoahu

September 6, 2011

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For those of you who are unfamiliar with the healing art and science that is, chiropractic, the following article will give you some insight into its origins and development throughout the years since its inception in 1895. This is also meant to inform you as to what chiropractic is, and what it is not…

The profession of chiropractic was founded by Daniel David Palmer in 1895. Palmer was a magnetic healer who, as the story goes, restored hearing to a once deaf, Harvey Lillard (Harvey Lillard was a janitor working in one of Palmer’s offices at the time). D.D. Palmer adjusted (corrected) a misaligned vertebra in Harvey’s spine which restored his hearing shortly afterwords. Spinal manipulation had been practiced for many years prior to Palmer performing his first chiropractic adjustment, however, the significant difference in what Palmer did was that he used specific contact points on the vertebra (spinous/transverse processes) to deliver a much more precise and specific correction to the spine. This is still what makes chiropractic unique and different from all other healthcare disciplines that manipulate the spine and other extremity joints. D.D. also had his fair share of run ins with the medical community at the time, largely due to his opposition to “harmful and unnecessary” drugs and surgery. He and other Chiropractors in his day, were sent to jail for “practicing medicine without a license”. His son, Bartlett Joshua Palmer, took over where his father left off. B.J. Palmer is known as the “Developer of Chiropractic”. He was a true master at promoting the profession he loved so much, and was instrumental in giving the profession credibility as a licensed health profession. He was also heavily involved in research related to Chiropractic, and brought the specialty of “Upper Cervical Care” to the forefront during his days. Correction of Upper Cervical Subluxations have shown to be one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful adjustments that one can perform due to the vital anatomical structures that the Upper Cervical spine is in close proximity to. Both B.J. and his father D.D. devoted a great deal of their lives to progressing and promoting chiropractic. It is still the only healthcare profession around that delivers specific adjustments to the spine, thus restoring balance and function to the nervous system.

The truth is, chiropractic is NOT medicine. It has never been medicine, and should never be medicine. It is and always has been a unique and distinct profession that is also a drugless profession (although sadly, there are movements underway that threaten the founding principles of Chiropractic). Nonetheless, D.D. Palmer has contributed a great deal to the profession, as well as humanity as a whole, by establishing a natural healing art and science, dedicated to restoring true health and improving the quality of life in millions of people each and every day.

The profession of chiropractic has had its ups and downs, but it has survived for many years  and is still around due to the efforts and spirit of many principled chiropractors who still recognize the body’s innate healing potential, otherwise known as “Innate Intelligence”. This concept of “innate” may seem alien to those who have grown accustomed to the medical model of disease care (as opposed to real health care). However, if you really think about it, every one of us whether medical doctor, chiropractor or layperson, has seen this innate intelligence in action, even if we don’t know what to call it or have not paid much attention to it. Everyone has had some sort of injury in their lifetime, whether it be a paper cut while at work, or a neck injury due to a car accident – each situation requires the body to heal on its own. Sure, there are definitely times when we need assistance with the healing process, but its important to make the distinction between the facilitation of the healing process and the actual healing process (the body’s role).

Each and every one of us has this “intelligence” in us. It guides and directs every process in our bodies, allowing us to adapt to our changing environment and heal from the various stressors placed on us each day of our lives. This innate healing potential that guides all processes within the body is an integral part of what is referred to as “Vitalism”. The concept of Vitalism holds that there is a guiding force within all of us that distinguishes us from a mere collection of parts (i.e. mechanism). This innate intelligence works through the one system that controls all others in the body – the Nervous System. The Nervous System connects to every organ, tissue and cell in the body and is responsible for controlling virtually all processes within the body. This is what true chiropractic is all about; removing the interference within the Nervous System, by correcting what is known as “Vertebral Subluxations”. Vertebral Subluxations are seemingly “small” misalignments in the spine that irritate/interfere with normal nerve flow/function. This leads to “mal-function” of the Nervous System and “dis-ease” within the body. In chiropractic, “Subluxation” literally means “Lack of Light” or “Absence of Light”. This “lack of light” is referring to the interference in the nervous system that occurs when a vertebra misalign and cause “pressure” or irritation to a nerve. This definition is in stark contrast to the medical definition, which is “a partial dislocation/misalignment of a joint”.

The corrections that Chiropractors perform, either by hand or instrument, is known as an “adjustment” The adjustment restores normal biomechanical relationships to the joint(s) and surrounding tissues, but more importantly, it restores normal nerve flow to all body systems, thus balancing the entire system.

Some of you who are somewhat familiar with chiropractic may be thinking that chiropractic is about neck pain, back pain and alleviating pain. You are correct in that it can effectively alleviate symptoms such as chronic neck pain and back pain. However, it has also been shown to improve numerous other health conditions such as high blood pressure and Multiple Sclerosis. The reason so many different conditions have responded to chiropractic is not because it is the cure for all disease or even that it attempts to treat disease/illness. In fact, the primary goal of chiropractic is not  to “treat” symptoms such as neck/back pain. It is primarily concerned with restoring proper nerve function by removing the detrimental effects of the Vertebral Subluxation. The improved function often leads to an improvement in symptoms related to disease/illness. Simply treating the symptoms of pain or disease often does not address the underlying cause of the symptoms and is often temporary/palliative at best with regard to improving overall body functioning and health. As Holistic Health Practitioner, Paul Chek says, “You cannot Find Health in a Lab”. Taking synthetic supplements and/or drugs, does not restore balance and health. It treats the disease rather than the individual.

True health comes from restoring balance and harmony to the physical, mental and chemical (among others) aspects of our being. Chiropractic is a very important part of this process, and when applied appropriately, along with effective nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle modification (Holistic Approach), can significantly improve the quality of life for anyone and everyone looking for a natural healing approach to true health!

“The Big Idea” 


At Ikaika Health and Performance, we utilize a wide variety of healing and performance techniques, including chiropractic care. Since each person is highly unique, every individual is given the most appropriate care for his/her specific needs/goals. For more information on chiropractic care, holistic health coaching, or to schedule an initial evaluation, please feel free to contact us.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Chad Hayakawa

(Doctor of Chiropractic)


1314 South King Street, #1562

Honolulu, HI. 96814

(808) 227-3838

www.IkaikaHealthandPerformance.com (coming soon!)